Distant Learning in Ukraine
International Research & Training Center UNESCO/IIP
of Information Technologies and Systems.It is a part of V.M. Glushkov Cybernetics Center. It is reseach and training organisation under Ministry of Education and National Academy of Sciences.
The main ways of our activities are connected with telematics-based distance learning and teaching. We are the first and the only educational organisation who has experience in telematics-based distance course design, development and dissemination within Ukraine, East European countries.Address:
Prospect Acad.Glushkova.40,
Kiev 252187, Ukraine.
http://www.dlab.kiev.uaContact person - Dr. Svetlana Kudrjavtseva, Head of Dialog and Tutoring
Systems Department. E-mail: sveta@tel.dlab.kiev.uaVirtual & Distant Learning Laboratory,
Kharkov State Technical University of Radio-electronicsThe basic activities within the framework of laboratory are the following:
- Development of new methods and techniques of distance learning on the basis of new information technologies;
- Development of experimental electronic courses;
- Development of models of physical processes in order to move laboratory works into a cyberspace;
- Creation of electronic libraries and funds of the electronic educational literature;
- Research in information systems and technologies, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and applying results for creation of a virtual university environment;
- Designing and development of the software for distance learning systems;
- Designing of web-pages for distance learning systems;
- Realisation of experimental sessions of distance learning;
- Support of international activity in distance learning and information systems;
- Research of the market for distance learning systems.
off.165-4,14, Lenina Ave.,
310166 Kharkov, Ukraine
E-mail: VDLL@kture.kharkov.ua
Ukrainian Distance Learning Center(UDLC)
UDLC was created on the 7th of June 2000 by the special order of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine as a structural subdivision of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” (NTUU “KPI”) It contains the following departments:Address : National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”
- department of informational technologies and technical provision ;
- department of distant learning technologies;
- department of training-methodological provision;
- department of normative-legal provision;
- department of marketing and international projects.
UDLC provides :- development of the concept of distant education (DE) in Ukraine;
- working out of the juridical and legal basis for DE in Ukraine;
- development of the methodological basis for DE in Ukraine;
- development of distant courses on the basis of modern computer technologies;
- coordination of Ukrainian educational establishments in the field of DE;
- training, retraining and certification of specialists using modern computer systems of DE.
of.258, build.1, 37 Peremogi Ave, Kiev, 03056 , Ukraine
Director : Inna Malyukova
Tel(380-44)2416808 ,
e-mail: malyukova@udec.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua , malyukova@iuf.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua
Distance Learning Center
Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration Office of the President of Ukraine
Distance Learning Center – Ukraine in Global Development Learning Network of World Bank has been set up in Kiyv on the basis of Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine by the grant of Canadien Governmentand World Bank supporting.
The main audience for the Center consists of public servants (central and local level), representatives of public, non-governmental and private enterprises, institutions and organizations. Statesmen are the most important clientele for the Center. It is highly qualified the academic faculty and the latest technological equipment of the Center that create unlimited possibilities for development of the Center, thus providing a variety of education services of high quality.
The Center’s activity is expected to develop in different ways:Address: Eugene Pottier Str., 20 , Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv – 57
- Dissemination of the World Bank training programs and courses ;
- Training of MPA by distance learning ;
- Conducting methodological research in the field of distance learning ;
- Creating teaching basis and methods to provide distance learning ;
- Training tutors for distance learning ;
- Other educational services
- Cooperation in the field of distance learning with other home and foreign institutions which work out and implement distance learning technologies, namely with the Ukrainian Distance Learning Center which has been set up by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Eastern – European Association of Distance Learning and others.
Tel.: (380-44) 241-98-40, 41, 42,43 Fax: (380-44) 241-98-44
Operational manager : Omelianenko Volodymyr , E-mail: Vomelianenko@uapa-dlc.org.ua
Ukrainian Distance Learning System-UDL System
The Objectives of the UDL System are:
- Broaden the scope of educational services in Ukraine by implementing the WEB technologies to make education and research more efficient, accessible, and more interaction.
- Provide instruction via distance learning to businesses and individuals in Ukraine using CD-ROMs, email, and the Internet;
- Provide professional development in distance education, web course design for on-line teaching; Join market research and distance learning promotion;
- Create common course portfolio and develop professional certificate programs, and distribute them to students, entrepreneurs, managers and corporations on the base of Partnership for Distance Learning Development (PDLD);
- Assist universities and business schools in using multimedia, telecommunications networking technologies to force promotion of their product and services in business environment;
- Conduct research in pedagogy and methodology of on-line learning;
- Provide the skills, resources, and information to support the continued growth of distance learning in business throughout Ukraine.
Address: 7, Halytska square , Lviv, 79008, Ukraine
Phone: (380322) 97-18-55 , Fax: (380322) 97-18-54
E-mail: UDLSystem@udl.org.ua
Director :Ihor B. Katernyak
Research Laboratory of Distance Education
National Technical University ''Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute''
Chief aims:Address :of.611, building У-2, Frunze Street, 21, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
- organization of distance education on the subjects and specialities that are popular in Ukraine;
- designing of multimedia computer educational programs;
- providing assistance to university teachers in creation distance educational courses;
- international cooperation with educational, industrial and commercial organizations in the field of distance education ;
- research in the field of distance education; organization of conferences, seminars and work-shops;
- publishing methodological literature on distance education
Director : Volodymir M. Kukharenko , e-mail:kvn@kpi.kharkov.ua
Center of Distance Learning Donetsk National University
Director : Volodymir V. Rumyantsev , e-mail:rumyants@host.dipt.donetsk.ua
Laboratory of Distance Education and testing
Kharkiv State Grygory Skovoroda Pedagogical University
Director : Lev E. Gendenshtein , e-mail:genden@ukr.net
Center of Distance Learning "Osvita"
National Aerospace N.E.Zhukovskiy University ''Kharkiv Aviation Institute''
Director : Anatoliy U. Kuznetsov
© Copyright "EF Ukraine",2010