Rambler's Top100


Terra Lingua Centre is a Ukrainian company operating in the sphere of educational services. We have been active on this market since 1995 and today we represent locally 21 major international language centres and educational institutions. LAL, Churchill House School of English, The Elizabeth Johnson Organisation, Calderdale College, CAVILAM, International House Hastings, La Trobe University and RMIT University (Australia) etc.

In 1995 we became members of Ukrainian Association of Educational Agencies and Consultants (UAEAC). We are initiators of Educational Network Ukraine (EdNU) Project aimed to unite information resources concerning Educational sphere in Ukraine and to provide the widest forms of presentation of our partners to prospective Ukrainian students.

We are open to co-operation with educational institutions that are interested to be presented on Ukrainian Educational market through its central information point

We have a representation in Australia.

Our address: ap.42, 15/5 Institutskaya Str., Kiev 21,Ukraine,
tel/fax (380 44) 253 0348